2 min readJun 10, 2020


The Black Maternal Mortality Rate Crisis and the Organizations Championing Change

According to the CDC, black mothers in the U.S. die at three to four times the rate of white mothers, one of the widest of all racial disparities in women’s health. Put another way, a black woman is 22 percent more likely to die from heart disease than a white woman, 71 percent more likely to perish from cervical cancer, but 243 percent more likely to die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related causes.

In a national study of five medical complications that are common causes of maternal death and injury, black women were two to three times more likely to die than white women who had the same condition. In places like New York City black women are 12 times more likely to die than white.

The factors are clear the biggest overarching reason is systemic racism. Racism causes “weathering”, inadequate access to healthcare, healthy food choices in our community, bias in our medical’s professionals and the hospitals where we birth.

There’s no need to recite well known statistics that continue to invoke fear in Black childbearing women. We need to move the needle and do the work to bring about policy changes and birth equity for our black birthing people.

As a black wellness brand we’re doing our part, not only online but behind the scenes as well. We are a proud sponsor of NATAL @natalstories. NATAL is a docuseries about having a baby while Black in America. We need to keep hearing these stories no matter how uncomfortable it makes us.

If you’re uncomfortable about these statistics and you want to make a change here’s your chance.

Here’s are a few organizations working to reduce the rate and push forward birth equity and where you donate to the work they are doing:

Natal @natalstories — you can support their podcast and the rest of their first season here.

Blackmammasmatter @blackmamasmatter — supports maternal health polices, research and policy changes.

Blackmidwivesalliance — @blackmidwivesalliance — education for midwifey

The Black Doula @theblackdoula — educating on birth equity and policies.

Scared Birth Doula @sacredbirthdoula — everything related to melanated birth.

The Black OBGYN Project@theblackobgynproject — committed to addressing Black maternal health and disparities while promoting anti-racism, equality & inclusion.

National Black Doulas Association @ntionalblackdoulas — educating black women who want to become doulas to help save our black mothers.




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